Taking A Leaf (Of Grass!) out of Cicely Panara's Book
For her blog post last year, Cicely Panara (one of the best humans ever) wrote not only a reflection, but "open letters" to a bunch of humans she was close to. I thought so highly of this exercise that I wanted to mimic her practice. We Love You, Mrs. G First, though: a brief reflection. "It was..." Ah, I don't even know where to begin. IB has been a whirlwind experience, full of social and personal revelations that I never emotionally believed I'd endure. Platonic and romantic relationships, mental illness, academic turmoil, waitressing/ the general food service industry , family turmoil, Enloe to MHS... so many things have transpired in the last couple years that I've yet to completely wrap my head around. Reading Whitman has been a bittersweet experience for me. Being reminded of how you are shaped and created by your past... and your present... and your undetermined future (*shudders*)... is both comforting and haunting. There are parts...